Kinda scary how much I relate with the views in this post. Z., I'm surprised you didn't even mention THE BANSHEES. Haven't you watched it yet?

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Loved this post - thanks Zach. Is the term "unspectacular publics" your own coining? Either way, it gets at something I have been struggling to articulate (to myself and sometimes to a few friends) about how my chosen path, filmmaking, seems hopelessly divorced from the normal, humane process of making art primarily of and for one's own local, rooted community (normal, that is, to every age prior to modern technocratic society). If one wants to be a filmmaker today, such a desire comes pre-loaded with assumptions and desires for a certain trajectory that ends in 'success' i.e. wide viewership, festival approval, financial windfall, etc. How do we creatively encourage and affirm the value of 'unspectacular publics' when so many of our own desires and culturally embedded messages, especially those of success in the most maximal sense, play serpent in the garden?

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